WESTAR® Hypernova HRP Detection Substrate

WESTAR HYPERNOVA is the brightest ECL substrate currently available. Its extreme sensitivity and extraordinary light output allows the detection of trace amounts of proteins. The formulation provides a low background for an extremely high signal to noise ratio.  
K1-0098 Image
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
K1-0098WESTAR® Hypernova HRP Detection Substrate2 x 10ml£210.00
WESTAR HYPERNOVA is the brightest ECL substrate available. Its extreme sensitivity and extraordinary light output allows the detection of trace amounts of proteins. The formulation provides a low background for an extremely high signal to noise ratio.  


Features Detection of trace amounts of proteins Extreme significance of the experiment Shortened exposure time Reduced consumption of antibodies and precious samples
Components Luminol derivative/enhancer solution (A) Peroxide solution (B)
Antibody Dilution Range Primary 1:10000-1:200000 Secondary 1:300000-1:1000000 (from 1 mg/mL stock solution)
Available as 2 x 10 mL kit (200 cmof membrane)
Signal duration 5 hours
Storage Stable for 1 year at RT. Product is shipped at ambient temperature.
Comparison with Competitors   Western blotting detection of purified IKBα - Imager: ImageQuant™ LAS 4000 (GE Healthcare).  



K1-0098 Literature
K1-0098 Protocol
K1-0098 MSDS Solution A
K1-0098 MSDS Solution B
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
G5-0030GeneGnome XRQ Chemiluminescence Imaging SystemEach£9679
S6-0024BLUeye Pre-Stained Protein Ladder, (10-245kDa), Approx 250 loads500uL£138.00
A2-0404FastGene® Precast Protein Gels 10 x 8cm, 12%, 12 WellPk. 10£166.5
A2-0406FastGene® Precast Protein Gels 10 x 8cm, 4-12%, 12 WellPk. 10£166.5
A2-0408FastGene® Precast Protein Gels 10 x 8cm, 4-20%, 12 WellPk. 10£166.5
A2-0410FastGene® Precast Protein Gels 10 x 8cm, 8-16%, 12 WellPk. 10£166.5
B4-0002Electro Blot Mini, 10 x 10cm Five Position, Including 5 CassettesEach£758