RNA/DNA/Protein Purification Plus kit – 47700

For sequential isolation of total RNA, genomic DNA and total proteins from the same sample
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
P4-0140RNA/DNA/Protein Purification Plus kit – 4770050 Preps£925.00
This kit provides a rapid spin-column method for the isolation and purification of Total RNA, Genomic DNA and Proteins sequentially from a single sample of cultured animal cells, small tissue samples, blood, bacteria, yeast, fungi or plants. The kit employs two columns: 1) for gDNA purification and 2) for RNA purification utilizing silicon carbide columns (superior for the binding of all RNA sizes including miRNA). The Proteins are also purified on the second column after RNA elution. The Proteins are eluted in buffer and are ready for downstream application without any further clean up required. The Proteins can be quantified directly, used in Western blots, ELISA or mass spectrometry.


P4-0140 Specification 47700


P4-0140 Literature 47700
P4-0140 Protocol 47700
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
P4-0174RNA/DNA/Protein Purification Plus Micro Kit – 5160050 Preps£935
P4-0168RNA/DNA Purification Kit – 4870050 Preps£775