Catalogue Number | Description | Pack Size | Price |
A2-0071 | ProtoGel Sample Prep Kit | Kit | £229.00 |
Contaminants in protein samples such as high salt or urea lead to blurred bands or smiling gels in SDS-PAGE. With the ProtoGel Sample Prep Kit, interfering substances from upstream applications can no longer gain entry to the well. Contaminants are washed away with a simple method. The sample loaded contains only pure protein and loading buffer with no contaminants remaining to impede reproducible, high-resolution results.
In addition to purification, Proteins previously too dilute for SDS-PAGE can now be concentrated prior to electrophoresis with a simple method. The ProtoGel kit concentrates proteins as dilute as 25ng/100 µl. This kit casts the finest net of any recovery system, concentrating all proteins in high yield regardless of identity.
Specification Patented system for SDS-PAGE sample Preps. Removes interfering contaminants. Concentrates dilute samples. Prevents gel failures. Simple and inexpensive. |
Protocol A2-0071 Protocol EC-884 |
MSDS A2-0071 MSDS EC-884 Kit(A) |
MSDS 2 A2-0071 MSDS EC-884 Kit(B) |