LE Multi-Purpose Agarose,

Suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids using standard electrophoretic procedures
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
A4-0400LE Multi-Purpose Agarose,500g£265.00
Agarose suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids using standard electrophoretic procedures. It is manufactured by a process which excludes organic solvents harmful to marine life, making it far kinder to the environment than conventional agarose. A low EEO (electroendoosmotic) flow minimises diffusion so that even the smallest of nucleic acid fragments remains sharp and tightly resolved, while a high gel strength aids handling and maintains compatibility with blotting techniques. Also available in a low melting point form for nucleic acid recovery and enzymatic applications, as well as in a high resolution PCR-grade form to resolve very small nucleic acid fragments 20-800bp in size.


A4-0400 Specification CSL-AG500


A4-0400 Literature
A4-0400 MSDS CSL-AG500
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
L3-0300100bp DNA Ladder, 100-3000bp, 500uLEach£43
S6-0022Midori Green Advance DNA Stain (Sufficient for 20L Agarose Gel)1ml£132
B9-0020TBE Sequencing Buffer (10 X)4 Litre£100
G9-0010MultiSUB Midi Horizontal Gel Unit. Complete with 10 x 10cm UV Tray, 2 x 16 Sample 1mm Thick Combs, Casting Dams & Loading GuidesEach£425