DNAreleasy Advance

DNAreleasy Advance replaces time-consuming and difficult DNA extraction methods. The released DNA can directly be used  for a PCR reaction or stored for several months at – 20 °C.
P8-0002 Image
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
P8-0002DNAreleasy Advance10 Preps, 300ul£15.30

Go from cells to PCR in less than 15 mins

DNAreleasy Advance is a novel reagent specially formulated in order to eliminate nucleic acid purification for PCR analysis. DNAreleasy Advance replaces time consuming and tedious extraction and purification methods. The released DNA can be used directly in a PCR reaction or can be stored at -20 °C for several months. This new cell lysing reagent requires only a 15 minute incubation in a thermal cycler before the DNA is ready for use directly in your PCR—without any further sample processing! DNAreleasy Advance has been successfully used to lyse a wide range of cells. These include saliva, hair roots, animal tissue, plants, drosophila, yeast, bacteria, viruses and many more. Using DNAreleasy Advance is easy; simply mix cells with 20 μl of the reagent, place in a a thermal cycler or incubator and heat at 65/75°C for 5 minutes, followed by 96°C for 5 minutes before holding at 20°C for 5 minutes. After the lysis, a part or all of the lysate can be added directly to your PCR mix or it can be stored at -20°C for future use. DNAreleasy Advance is a continuous development of the well-known lysis reagent DNAreleasy.


Total DNA was isolated from different plant species using DNAreleasy Advance. Melting curves were determined by RT PCR: Positive control, maize meal, wheat flour, sugar beet, white cabbage, negative control.
Positive control (PTC), maize meal, wheat flour, sugar beet, white cabbage; negative control (NTC)  


Genomic DNA was isolated using DNAreleasy Advance and analyzed by qPCR: (1) positive control human DNA, (2) saliva, (3) hair root, (4) pig liver, (5) drosophila melanogaster, (6) horse meat




P8-0002 Protocol
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
P8-0038FastGene® Taq 2x Ready Mix250 Reactions£129
P8-0030FastGene® Taq DNA Polymerase500 Reactions£53.5
P8-0042FastGene® Optima HotStart Ready Mix500 Reactions£191
P8-0004DNAreleasy Advance50 Preps, 1.5ml£88.95