Cytoplasmic & Nuclear RNA Purification Kit – 37400

For the convenient purification of cytoplasmic and nuclear RNA from cultured cells and tissues. Cytoplasmic RNA is free of DNA and ready for direct use in RT-PCR/qRT-PCR
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
P4-0071Cytoplasmic & Nuclear RNA Purification Kit – 37400100 Preps£825.00
This kit provides a rapid method for the isolation and purification of both cytoplasmic and nuclear RNA from cultured animal cells and small tissue samples. The kit can be used to isolate all sizes of RNA from the cytoplasmic and nuclear RNA fractions, including all small RNA species without any requirement for phenol. Included in the kit are sufficient reagents to perform either 50 cytoplasmic RNA Preparations or 25 cytoplasmic and 25 nuclear RNA Preparations. Ten samples can be processed in approximately 45 minutes. This kit is also available in a 100 preps size.


P4-0071 Specification 37400


P4-0071 Literature 37400
P4-0071 Protocol 37400
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P4-0058Total RNA Purification Kit – 1720050 Preps£329
P4-0064MicroRNA Purification Kit – 2130025 Preps£289
P4-0069Total RNA Purification Kit – 37500100 Preps£620
A2-0214DEPC Treated Water, Sterile, Certified Nuclease FreeEach£71.3
P4-0062Leukocyte RNA Purification Kit – 2120050 Preps£396
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