RNA/DNA/Protein Purification Plus Micro Kit – 51600

For sequential isolation of total RNA, genomic DNA and total proteins from the same sample. Suitable for cells, tissues, stem cells, CTC and any small input of sample
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
P4-0174RNA/DNA/Protein Purification Plus Micro Kit – 5160050 Preps£935.00
This kit provides a rapid spin-column method for the isolation and purification of Total RNA, DNA and Proteins sequentially from a single sample of cultured animal cells, small tissue samples, microdissected samples including LCM, stem cells, sorted cells, and CTC. The Total RNA, Genomic DNA and Proteins are all column purified in less than 30 minutes. The RNA and DNA can be eluted in as little as 20 µl while the protein can be eluted in as little as 50 µl. This kit provides the same performance as if the samples were isolated from dedicated kits. The Proteins are eluted in buffer, so that there are no pellets to resuspend and the Proteins are directly ready for quantification, Western Blots, and Mass spectrometry. This kit is ideal for researchers who are interested in system biology and are studying the genome, proteome and transcriptome of a single sample. RNA/DNA/Protein Purification Plus Micro Kit is especially useful for researchers who are isolating macromolecules from precious, difficult to obtain or small samples such as biopsy materials, LCM or single foci from cell cultures, as it eliminates the need to fractionate the sample. Furthermore, analysis will be more reliable since the RNA, DNA and Proteins are derived from the same sample, thereby eliminating inconsistent results. The purified RNA, DNA and Proteins are of the highest integrity and can be used in a number of downstream applications.



P4-0174 Literature 51600
P4-0174 Protocol 51600
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
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