ProteoSpin™ Total Protein Concentration, Detergent Clean-Up & Endotoxin Removal Maxi Kit – 22200

For rapid and efficient endotoxin removal from proteins and peptides and desalting of proteins
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
P4-0070ProteoSpin™ Total Protein Concentration, Detergent Clean-Up & Endotoxin Removal Maxi Kit – 222004 Preps£199.00
The ProteoSpin™ Total Protein Concentration, Detergent Clean-Up and Endotoxin Removal Maxi Kit is also highly efficient in removing many different salts commonly used in the laboratory including, but not limited to, MgCl2, NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, LiCl and CsCl. The simultaneous removal of salts while concentrating a dilute protein solution makes the kit a convenient method for Preparing Proteins before running many downstream applications such as SDS-PAGE, isoelectric focusing, X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy and other applications. The ProteoSpin™ Total Protein Concentration, Detergent Clean-Up and Endotoxin Removal Maxi Kit is also designed for the rapid removal of endotoxins from up to 4mg of previously purified Proteins or peptides, with protein recoveries of > 95% being achieved. Endotoxins, also known as lipopolysaccharides, are cell-membrane components of Gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli. Endotoxins liberated by Gram-negative bacteria are frequent contaminations of protein solutions derived from bioprocesses. Due to the high toxicity of endotoxins in vivo and in vitro, their removal from protein Preparations is often necessary prior to the use of the protein in downstream applications. This kit efficiently reduces endotoxin levels to 0.1 EU/mg of protein, using spin column chromatography based on proprietary resin as the separation matrix. The purified protein samples can be used in a number of downstream applications including sequencing, cloning, and in vitro and in vivo introduction into cells and organisms for various purposes



P4-0070 Protocol 22200
Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
P4-0068ProteoSpin™ Total Protein Concentration, Detergent Clean-Up & Endotoxin Removal Mini Kit – 2280025 Preps£330