Protein , DNA, RNA and microRNA Sequentially from the Same Sample

Catalogue NumberDescriptionPack SizePrice
P4-0068ProteoSpin™ Total Protein Concentration, Detergent Clean-Up & Endotoxin Removal Mini Kit – 2280020 Preps£330.00
P4-0070ProteoSpin™ Total Protein Concentration, Detergent Clean-Up & Endotoxin Removal Maxi Kit – 222004 Preps£199.00
P4-0318Detergent Free Total Protein Isolation Kit – 3030025 Preps£211.00

Geneflow Limited
Paul Fisher House, 1 The Sycamore Tree, Elmhurst Business Park, Elmhurst,
Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8EX 

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